Thursday, January 7, 2010

United Notions

  24 United Notions for Individual Theosophical Enlightenment


1.Divinity Manifests: To understand GOD it is essential to understand the Creation. Creation is an evolvement.  We can’t comprehend the nature of the “Creation” which transcends human intelligence. God is the most pacifying presence, that can’t be defined in numbers or genders. Believing in the existence of God is more beneficial than denial. All people and all things are of one essence without linguistic, gender or racial barriers. Faith and belief in Supreme being are perfect only when the human race trusts and realises the presence of Divinity within the self and in the whole creation.

2.Impeccable Faith: Need for any kind of worshipping arises out of ignorance. “No deity will save us, but that we must save ourselves.”  Self-delusion miracles arise from Ignorance.  Goals can be achieved by working towards it and not by Worshipping. Faith must be harmonious with Science and must demand sound convictions and oppose blind imitations, rituals, rites and superstitions. Seek the truth and abandon the false.

3.Optimistic Leadership: Saviours are the enlightened ones, striven for the excellence of humanity. Under the able guidance of the teachers, test knowledge by science and reason, Develop ethical values that are relevant to the prevailing human conditions. Acknowledge and follow the best principles of all religious saviours and revolutionary leaders without glorification or worship. Salvation must be based on Education, healing and Continuous Improvement.

4.Heaven on Earth: Nature is governed by the Cause and the Effect.  Heaven and Hell are in real life depending upon our deeds and attitudes.  Thoughts lead to acts and actions leads to habits which in turn create our character which results in our destiny. Be grateful for the abundance in  nature and our commitment to the next generations is to reveal heaven on earth.

Awareness is power: Education certainly determines the quality of an individual’s life, personality and attitude. Dedicate early stages of life for acquiring the knowledge, skills and life-oriented education to make a decent earning, Intelligence, leadership skills and Self-confidence. Seek knowledge and virtue by all rightful means from any direction. Follow the Spirit of the Scriptures, Not the Words. Imbibe the wisdom of the philosophers and intellectuals through the logical reasoning, rational thinking, independent investigation of truth and freedom of choice, only to culminate in the Enlightenment.

6.Elegant Etiquette: Inspire a simple life valuing cultural norms and generally accepted ethical codes.  Be Modest in all manners, adopt graceful dress code and clean etiquette. Develop Creative aesthetic values. Strict personal and habitat cleanliness must be maintained. Be Punctual, Dignified and Well-Spoken. Stay abreast of current events and news, Avoid rumours and Gossip. Nurture Your Interests, Practice Gratitude, Respect Authority and Elders. Socialise, respect and greet all human beings. Do not make body contact while greeting. Have Self-esteem, but not self-pity. To be refined one must embody and personify exquisite elegance, etiquette, sophistication, and grace.

 7.Ethical Standards: Maintain high morality, positive attitude and definiteness of purpose in the professional and personal life. Cultivate a community of hope and trust amongst Society, incorporating Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Moderation, Right view, Right resolve, Right speech, Right conduct, and Honesty.   Compassion, fairness, and generosity are most important to liking, respecting, and understanding.  Be non-possessive in speech, relationships, feelings, pleasures of five senses, mind, material and deeds. Be useful, but not get used. Excel but don’t compete.

8.Mindfulness Meditation: Meditation imparts self-confidence, sense of wellbeing and will power. During Meditation, mind emits vibrations in the form of autosuggestions, thereby enhancing self-management and achieving our goals by organising external influences. Meditate alone or in mass in a calm, clean and comfortable place as per the biological clock convenience. Heartfulness is a system of relaxation, meditation and rejuvenation which reduces distractions, decreases anxiety, improves cognition, elevates moods, resulting in positive and impactful life.

9.Enduring Exercise:  Exercise maintains the buoyancy of the body. Daily Exercise for Constructive personality and healthy body. Regular physical activity boosts endurance, relieves stress, anxiety, depression and anger. Physical exercise is important for maintaining physical fitness and can contribute to maintaining a healthy weight, regulating the digestive system, building and maintaining healthy bone density, muscle strength, and joint mobility, promoting physiological well-being, reducing health risks, and strengthening the immune system.

10.Graceful livelihood: Each person is responsible for their own life and career.  Each individual should explore equal opportunities available to fulfil their unique talents and potentialities, with dignity and professionalism with the right efforts. No profession is inferior or Superior. Both life partners are equal and both must be involved in earning a livelihood and domestic management. Focus on satisfaction rather than success with Optimum utilization of money. Love what you do, and do what you love.

11.Entrepreneurship:  Entrepreneurs are the driving force of every nation's economy, Individual Independence and Social Change. Each individual must be encouraged, motivated and supported to participate in economic development, through full-time or part-time Entrepreneurship rather than seeking employment. Innovations will improve standards of living, and in addition to creating wealth with entrepreneurial ventures, it also creates jobs and contributes to a growing economy.

12.United Family: Family provides love, support and a framework of values to each of its members. Family members teach each other, serve one another and share life's joys and sorrows.  Select compatible life partner after self-reliance with due consideration to parents or guardians opinion, without any monitory or material exchanges.   Monogamy marriage is a part of life, is for mutual pride, pleasure, procreation and peace. Restrict the offspring to two and provide them with best guidance, education and wisdom for self-reliance. Full fill the commitments and responsibilities towards family.   

13.Wholesome food:  Encourage vegetarianism, use animals and nature beneficially without cruelty or destruction.  Utilise Renewable sources of food.  Abstain from stimulants, which affect normal functioning and behaviour.    Vegetarian foods are from a renewable source, meet our physical requirements of protein, carbohydrates and fats but also nourishes your body and mind. Avoid overeating, do intermittent fasting for detoxification. Choose pure, clean and wholesome food which are light in nature, easy to digest, mildly cooling, refreshing and provides energetic strength, enthusiastic mind, vitality, good health and longevity.

14.Celebrate to rejoice: Festivals either mark an important momentous transition in an individual's life or these are special Cultural, spiritual heritage and Climatic events. It imparts positiveness in individual to realise the greater potential of human life and experience the oneness with fellow human beings. It relaxes and unwinds in the midst of our stressed routine life. The Celebration must be simple, family, social gatherings to be frequently held without extravaganza, to joy with the enlightened, sympathise with the grieved, cheer the depressed.   Avoid entertainments involving Gambling, Crime or any kind of provocation or exploitation.   Take every opportunity to celebrate our Lives making it memorable and meaningful.

15.Hall of Heaven: In every locality construct a UNITE Community hall with all facilities for meditation, social welfare, social gathering, marriage functions and for pilgrims. UNITE Pilgrimage involves visiting remote places for  the propagation of the noble messages of UNITE and to cherish the nature

Liberal Charity: Charity begins with the inward recognition of a need to show compassion kindness and to extend monitory or material benefits to Others. Reserve part of the earnings for parents, children, and for giving alms to the underprivileged. Charity is essential and therefore meant to be done for a public benefit, relief and to assist people at times of need in any part of the world, especially who are the victims of war, natural disaster, catastrophe, hunger, disease, poverty, orphans by supplying them with food, shelter, medical aid and other fundamental needs.

17.Nature is Future:  All individuals live in a common habitat, the planet earth .We are a microcosm reflecting the macrocosm. Everything in nature exists within, and whatever’s happening in nature is reflected in the body. All are ruled by this inevitable law of nature; hence every individual has a responsibility to be concerned with environmental integrity and to avoid the pollution of natural resources. Conserve nature through Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, Repair, Revive, Refuse and Recover. Maintain cleanliness by following 5 S (Shine, Sort, Set, Systemise and Sustain). By reconnecting with nature, we reconnect with our true self.

18.Nationalism: Have faith in  the country's policy and Follow the civil law of the country to which you belong. Perform humanitarian functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor policies and encourage political participation through provision of information.   Any sort of Corruption, Arms race, Conflict, Crime, War and hatred must be strictly avoided. It shall be the duty of every citizen to develop the  scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform. Actively participate in Strengthening the unity, integrity, welfare, prosperity of the nation thru far-reaching political, economic, and social effects.

19.Transformation: Focus on self-improvement and Reformative social movements .Two wrongs don't make a right and Judge not unless for Judgement. Punishments are generally, to encourage and enforce proper behaviour as defined by society or family for protection of rights. Stress to be given to Education, Prevention Rehabilitation while dealing with violation of the norms, to alter defendant’s behaviour. Gradual Life-transforming Reformation is essential to bring a social and political system closer to the community's ideal.

Social Responsibility: All are created equal irrespective of gender, race or profession. Follow simple living. All creatures deserve dignity, justice and value. Induce social consciousness and respect human rights, be brave to resist the oppression, Care the sick, compassion for the young, concern for the fellow.   Be courageous to report all forms of injustice, slavery, prejudice, religious exploitation, gender bias and environmental issues. Encourage cordial relation with all the citizens and develop a sense of brotherhood in the country irrespective of religious beliefs.

21.Oneness of Humanity: People who are clean by deeds, thoughts and body are eligible to show the right path to others by following the above principles and discipline.  Dedicate time for teaching and guiding the noble messages of ‘UNITE’. ‘UNITE’ ideologies should not be misused for political or personal gain. Encourage, promote and develop human values among people through educational programs and volunteer exploration sessions.  Prevent the catastrophe of the human race, in the name of religions & discriminations. Everyone must be Educated and encouraged to strive to transformation achieve.

22.Persistent Peacemaker: Maintain peace & harmony in your locality by engaging in processes such as negotiation, mediation and conciliation. Immunise yourself against religious, racial, gender discrimination by becoming, a messenger of peace. Good wishes of the enlightened would bring you the ultimate peace. Practice human values so as to become responsible, happy, fulfilled members of society and aspire for human excellence. Let us change our attitudes, World will change.  When our individual and collective lives are in harmony with nature, peace is inevitable. We feel greater peace and joy in Care for others than in love for ourselves. The unity of mankind and peace in Society, is the base of this unifying activity, the foundation of our love, the source of our joy. 

23.Enchanting Enlightenment: All are created imperfectly perfect. All practitioners of UNITE must aspire to become fully enlightened. Consider the whole world as a single family that deifies the one truth, and therefore it accepts all forms of beliefs and dismisses labels of distinct religions which would imply a division of identity. .Live by choice, not by chance. Our focus must be Unity, solidarity, and the perceived need for a sustainable and socially conscious non-religious Universalist thought. Knowledge and wisdom brings Enlightenment to accomplish one’s goals and gain lasting satisfaction . Promote human consciousness to grow from individual identities to collective identities, from collective identities to universal identity and from universal identity to unity with divinity.  Perceiving the manifestation divinity is self and all is the Culmination of Enlightenment.

24.Impactful Pledge: I pledge to be a voice for respect and acceptance, and to take action with others in my school, workplace, home, community, to create a more safe, accepting and inclusive environment. I observe and believe in the universality of the human experience. As part of my pledge I will stay alert to all forms of actions and discrimination in , maintaining area and take steps to prevent and discourage these acts of inhumane. I work to uphold the principles, ethics, and actions that safeguard these fundamental things and commit to pay attention to maintain a safe peaceful world for current and future generations.

United Notions for Individual Theosophical Enlightenment
The Universal Religion


  1. We need, as a race of humans, to rid ourselves of the word religion. What we are, or seem to be, searching for love and another way to live in peace. This can only be accomplished by listening to the Spirit speak to us.

  2. WE also need another term for enlightenment. Awakening is too alien and evolving is too Darwin. Mankind is ready for something new that transcends time. Now is the time.

  3. UNITE ,not in numbers but in a number of thoughts and thought provoking thoughts.
    Today Mankind is not into self- soul- searching controls,they are in a race for comparing different remote controls o soul search.
    Invoke yourself and Live life to the fullest...............

